Ramblings of a Catholic Christian trying to be more like Him.
Please leave me messages and comments so that I too may grow and learn!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


This week I've taken a great deal Comfort from Psalm 121. We are studying this in our Bible study. We are working on Beth Moore's study of the Psalms of  Ascent. 

I lift my eyes to the hills where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber indeed he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you the Lord is your shade at your right hand, the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from harm- he will watch over your life;
 the Lord will watch your coming and going both now and forever more.

Over the next several weeks both of my children, Kate and Adam, will be going through their own journeys. Kate is taking the plunge and purchasing her first car. And Adam will be moving to California. After studying this Psalm over the last week I have really tried to keep the focus on the fact that the Lord, our God, will be watching over my children. I wish it were easy. It's not. 
Life is Truly about change and journeys.  I pray this week, that you will have comfort in your journeys. 
Please keep me in your prayers as well as I help my children with their journeys.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Today's readings were from first Corinthians chapter 12 verses 4 to 11. This is a beautiful reading regarding the gifts that we are given from God via the Holy Spirit. Verse 11 speaks to the fact that we are all given gifts and he gives them to each one of us as he determines. So that does mean we all have our special gift that we are able to share. Sometimes I find myself thinking I don't have a lot to share. Today's reading reminds me that no matter what I think or feel I have been given very special gifts. It is my choice what I do with those gifts. There is nothing better to do with the gifts that we are given than to share them somehow through service.
This morning I opted to go to a nearby parish, St. Rose in Lima, Ohio. Fr. Dave gave a beautiful homily regarding how service has changed throughout the years. He started with examples of how years ago when you went to a gas station was called a service station. Not only did they give you gas, they cleaned your windows and checked your oil. So many other things that he's talked about this morning also made me smile and laugh at remembering how things used to be. Even though I'm only 50, I've heard stories and have seen some of the things he discussed. His last comment that was what hit me right between the eyes. He talked about the service that we provide to different organizations, from the symphony to our churches, are a reflection of our faith in Jesus Christ and the knowledge of the gifts that the Holy Spirit has bestowed upon us.
My prayer for today is that all of us can take advantage of the gifts that we have to offer. I pray that we can offer them as service to ourselves and to others.  This week my offerings of service are to make a hat for one of my students and to volunteer to prepare the music for our weekly Bible study. For myself, I'm offering to exercise at least 15 minutes every day and to eat a more balanced diet.
What are your offerings of service for this week?

Thank you for taking the time to read today. I hope you have a wonderful week and I look forward to hearing your comments.

Wishing you the Lords blessings,

Friday, January 18, 2013

Grow your blog party!

Hello Everyone!
My name is Norma and I have joined others in a grow your blog party.
It is sponsored by Vicki at www.vicki-2bagsfull.blogspot.com

I started this blog to share some of my spiritual journey and to fellowship with others in their journey.  My original intent was to do a weekly post that referred to the readings at mass that week. But I have not always been able to keep up with that.  It is still my intent to share what I learn from church or my Bible study.  More readers would make me more accountable!

I do have two adult children - my life's blessings! 2 of many blessings! I work full time as a physical therapist specializing in children with developmental disabilities. I love my work.  I live in a small town in west central Ohio.

My prayer is that you come here often and  share your experiences with me!
Thank you for taking your time and stopping by!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

This is a thankful jar that was posted several times on facebook and I am sorry not to remember the reference.  I had the perfect jar to start my own today!   I look forward to next New Year's Eve - reading through the notes of blessings that I put in it this year.  
This holiday season has gone by quickly.  It has been a good season for our family.  We had some great times to add to our memories.   
The reading for yesterday's Gospel triggered the feelings of letting go of your children.  Luke 2: 41-52 tells the story of Jesus being lost from his parents but all the while he was in the temple, his Father's house.  Mary reprimanded him when she questioned him about why he had had stayed behind.  She let him know how she was worried about him.  While listening to this I thought of how Mary had to start letting go of Jesus at a very young age.  And now I have to let go too of my children more than just dropping them off at college.  Kate, my 25 year old, is well settled into her own life in Columbus, Ohio (only a 100 minute drive away).    She was home for the holidays but this is not her home- she has her own duplex, own church, own family of friends there.  And now in 7 short weeks, Adam too will be making his own home much farther away in California.  I am so excited for him considering the adventures that lie ahead for him.  But I cannot help but remember the worry even Mary had as she began the letting go process.  Jesus had his purpose as both my children have their purpose.  I pray that I may be more like Mary as she kept the words of her child in her heart and let our heavenly Father take the lead in fulfilling the purpose for which her child was born. 
I welcome comments and prayers about the process you may have gone through in letting go of your children.
Happy New Year!
