Ramblings of a Catholic Christian trying to be more like Him.
Please leave me messages and comments so that I too may grow and learn!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Always a lesson

Not a really impressive photo, but it was a wonderful evening on Wednesday as my hometown of Wapakoneta held a memorial tribute to Neil Armstrong.  The tribute offered stories of the boy, the man and the hero.  My hometown is quite small and so Neil has been an icon to our community.  If you ever drive on interstate 75 and see the "moon" on the East side of the interstate near 110 mile marker (in Ohio!) you can tell how important he has been to our community. 
The lesson learned though is that he was indeed a humble man.  While all of us marveled at his accomplishments, he never wanted any hoopla that he could have easily reveled in.   He lead a quiet life continuing only to help educate anyone wanting to learn more!  RIP Neil!

I was able to attend mass this week on Saturday evening this week.  I was scheduled to work Sunday morning so I planned to attend mass Saturday after taking my friend's grandson to an afternoon high school football game.  T, the grandson, is a 12 yr old who began his school year at his local Catholic school versus his previous public school.  He was Baptized in the church but has not had any other formal religious, let alone Catholic education.  (He will be going through a RCIA program for children soon.)  T is a little precocious.  At 12, he speaks and acts as if he has all the answers.  This makes it difficult for me at times to stay in his company long.  When he asked if I would take him to mass with me, I refused because of my schedule.  It was only moments after the "no, I am sorry, I have to be somewhere after mass" that I regretted my words.  As I sat listening to the 2nd reading from James  chapter 1 : "Be doers of the word, not  hearers only," my heart sank even lower.  I had a 12 year old WANT to go to church to learn more about God and the church.  I certainly did not behave like a doer of the word!  What a lesson to learn.  I asked for forgiveness and strength to share our Faith in our heavenly Father.  I also pray that the opportunity comes along again soon!

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